Acaristop 500 SC أكاريستوب
* Description:-
Acaricide specialist on eggs and the early stages after hatching process.
* Active ingredient:- Clofentezine (50%)
* Formulation:- Suspension Concentrate (SC)
* Mode of action:- Contact & Translaminar
* Target pests:- Mites (Tetranychus spp., Panonychus sp., ...etc.)
* Crops:- Vegetables, Fruit trees & Ornamental plants.
* Methods & Application rate:-Spray (0.3 - 0.4 ml / 1 liter of water).
* Pre-harvest interval (PHI):- Vegetables (3 days), Fruit trees (35), Citrus tress (35).
* Water tank stability (pH):- 6 - 7

Minecto Pro منيستو برو
* Description:-
Insecticide is the one-stop-shop for difficult to control pests in vegetable and specialty crops. A broad-spectrum, foliar insecticide, controls a wide range of lepidopteran pests as well as difficult-to-control sucking insects in specialty and vegetable crops. Harnessing the power of two complementary active ingredients, cyantraniliprole and abamectin, into one convenient premix formulation, Minecto Pro controls multiple pest populations that overlap or occur at the same time.
Safe on adult of predators, suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
* Active ingredient:- Abamectin 2.85% + Cyantraniliprole 13.5%
* Formulation:- Suspension Concentrate (SC)
* Mode of action:- Contact, Digestive system & Translaminar.
* Target pests:- Cutworms / Armyworms, Loppers, Aphids, Whiteflies, Thrips, Tuta absoluta, Leaf miners, Mites, Beetles, Psyllid, Weevil, Lesser dates, Codling Moth, European corn borer.
* Crops:- Vegetables, Fruit trees & Ornamental plants.
* Methods & Application rate:- Spray (0.4 - 0.8 ml / 1 liter of water).
* Pre-harvest interval (PHI):- Vegetables (7 days), Strawberry (3), Potato (14), Citrus & Fruit tress (28).
* Water tank stability (pH):- 5 - 7

Voliam Targo فوليام تارجو
* Description:-
Foliar insecticides for simultaneous control of codling moth, mites on apple & pear. worms, psylla in pear. Caterpillar, Tuta absoluta, mites, beetles on tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberry and green beans.
Safe on adult of predators, suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
* Active ingredient:- Abamectin 18 g/l + Chlorantraniliprole 45 g/l (63 g/l SC)
* Formulation:- Suspension Concentrate (SC)
* Mode of action:- Contact, Digestive system & Translaminar.
* Target pests:- Cutworms / Armyworms, Tuta absoluta, Leaf miners, Mites, Beetles.
* Crops:- Vegetables, Fruit trees & Ornamental plants.
* Methods & Application rate:-Spray (0.5 - 1 ml / 1 liter of water). Drenching (1.5 ml/L).
* Pre-harvest interval (PHI):- Vegetables (7 days), Fruit trees (14), Citrus tress (14).
* Water tank stability (pH):- 5 - 7