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* Variety: Rosa F1 (ES 4777)

* Type: Indeterminate تلقيح ذاتى

* Scie. Name: Lycopersicon esculentum 

* Season: Summer / Spring صيف/ ربيع

* Location: Indoor داخلى

* Maturity: Early النضج مبكر

* Weight: 180 - 220 gm

* Color: Deep red أحمر غامق

* Shape: Round دائرى

* Vigour: Strong نشاطة عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/85 %

* Seeds number/gm: (280 - 380)

* Very productive variety with uniform, Good shelf life.

* (6- 7) fruits per cluster فى العنقود الواحد حوالى من 6 - 7 حبات

* Resistance: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV), Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), Verticillium (V), Fusarium (F) & Nematodes (N).

* Variety: Shihab F1 (ES 3530)

* Scie. Name: Solanum melongena

* Season: Autumn / Winter خريف / شتاء

* Location: Indoor / Outdoor داخلى / خارجى

* Maturity: Early مبكر

* Cycle: 65 - 75 days

* Color: Black أسود

* Length / height: 15 cm / 100 - 120 cm

* Shape: Elongated ممدود

* Purity/germination: 99/85%

* Seeds number/gm: (200 - 220)

* Variety: Ghassan F1 (ES 2721)

* Scie. Name: Cucumis sativus

* Season: Summer/Autumn/Spring صيف/خريف/ربيع

* Location: Indoor داخلى

* Maturity: Early النضج مبكر

* Cycle: 68 days

* Length / height: 16 - 17 cm / Medium

* Color: Medium green أخضر متوسط

* Shape: Cylindrical أسطوانى

* Purity/germination: 99/90

* Seeds number/gm: (30-35)

* Vigour: Very strong vegetative, multi fruits, export quality.

* Fruit skin: Little ribbed, shiny green fruit.

* Resistance: Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), Cucumber Vein

  Yellow Virus (CVYV), Downy/Powdery mildew (DM/PM).

Cucumber Ghassan F1.jpg

* Variety: Jory F1 (ES 8972)

* Scie. Name: Capsicum annuum

* Location: Indoor

* Maturity: Very early النضج مبكر جدا

* Weight: 180 - 200 gm 

* Size (W/L): 8-9 / 8-9 cm

* Color: Green to Orange أخضر الى برتقالى

* Shape/Lobes: Blocky/ 3-4

* Plant height: Medium

* Vigour: Strong نشاط عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (120 - 150)

* Resistance: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).

Sweet Pepper Jory F1 Orange.jpg

* Variety: Jala F1 (ES 8968)

* Scie. Name: Capsicum annuum

* Location: Indoor

* Maturity: Early النضج مبكر

* Weight: 200 - 225 gm 

* Size (W/L): 8-9 / 8-10 cm

* Color: Green to Red أخضر الى أحمر

* Shape/Lobes: Blocky/ 3-4

* Plant height: Medium

* Vigour: Strong نشاط عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (120 - 150)

* Resistance: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).

Sweet Pepper Jala F1 Gree to Red.jpg

* Variety: Black Stone F1 (ES 55009 F1)

* Type: Sugar Baby (Brix: Very sweet)

* Scie. Name: Citrullus lanatus

* Location: Outdoor خارجى

* Maturity: Medium Early 75 - 80 days

* Weight: 10 - 12 kg 

* Fruit Color: Dark green

* Shape: Round

* Vigour: God vigour نشاطه جيد

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (15 - 20)

* Resistance: Fusarium and Anthracnose.

Watermelon Black Stone F1.jpg

* Variety: Hiba F1 (ES 961)

* Scie. Name: Lycopersicon esculentum

* Season: Summer/Spring/Autumn صيف/ ربيع / خريف

* Location: Outdoor خارجى

* Maturity: Medium النضج متوسط

* Weight: 200 - 300 gm

* Color: Deep red أحمر غامق

* Shape: Round to globe دائرى الى كروى

* Vigour: Strong نشاطة عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/85 %

* Seeds number/gm: (280 - 380)

* Resistance: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV),   

  Tobacco Mosaic Virus

  (TMV), Verticillium (V), Fusarium (F) & Nematodes (N).

* Good shelf life, Easy and good fruit setting.

* Variety: Cherry F1

* Scie. Name: Lycopersicon esculentum

* Location: Indoor داخلى

* Color: Deeb red

* Weight: 10 - 15 gm

* Shape: Round

* Purity/germination: 99/90

* Seeds number/gm: (280 - 380)

* Resistance: (TYLCV), Tomato Mosaic Virus (TMV), Verticillium (V), Fusarium (F) & Nematodes (N).


* Variety: Scorpio F1 (ES 8716 F1)

* Scie. Name: Capsicum annuum

* Location: Indoor/Outdoor

* Maturity: Medium النضج متوسط

* Weight: 45 gm 

* Size (W/L): 3 - 3.5 / 18 - 20 cm

* Color: Light green أخضر فاتح

* Shape/Lobes: Long

* Plant height: Medium

* Vigour: Medium نشاط متوسط

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (120 - 150)

Hot Pepper Scorpio F1.jpg

* Variety: Mander F1 (ES 9004)

* Scie. Name: Capsicum annuum

* Location: Indoor

* Maturity: Early النضج مبكر

* Weight: 185 - 215 gm 

* Size (W/L): 8-9 / 9-10 cm

* Color: Green to Yellow أخضر الى أصفر

* Shape/Lobes: Blocky/ 3-4

* Plant height: Medium

* Vigour: Strong نشاط عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/90 % نسبة النقاوة/الانبات

* Seeds number/gm: (120 - 150)

* Resistance: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).

Sweet Pepper Green to Yellow.jpg

* Variety: Sting F1 (ES 8720)

* Scie. Name: Capsicum annuum

* Location: Indoor/Outdoor

* Maturity: Medium النضج متوسط

* Weight: 85 - 105 gm 

* Size (W/L): 4.5 - 6 / 21 - 22 cm

* Color: Light green أخضر فاتح

* Shape/Lobes: Long conical طويلة ومخروطية 

* Plant height: Medium

* Vigour: Medium نشاط متوسط

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (120 - 150)

* Resistance: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).

* Good fruit setting under colder weather conditions

Hot Pepper Sting F1.jpg

* Variety: Mermaid F1 (ES 75043 F1)

* Type: Crimson sweet (Brix: 11 - 11.5)

* Scie. Name: Citrullus lanatus

* Location: Outdoor خارجى

* Maturity: Medium Early 75 - 80 days

* Weight: 11 - 12 kg 

* Fruit Color: Light green

* Shape: Elongated ممدود, Oval بيضاوى

* Vigour: God vigour نشاطه جيد

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (15 - 20)

* Resistance: Fusarium and Anthracnose.

Watermelon Mermaid F1.jpg

* Variety: Ghost F1 (ES 95015 F1)

* Type: Charlston grey (Brix: 11.5 - 12)

* Scie. Name: Citrullus lanatus

* Location: Outdoor خارجى

* Maturity: Medium Early 80 - 85 days

* Weight: 12 - 15 kg 

* Fruit Color: Light green

* Shape: Oval oblong

* Vigour: Strong نشاط عالى

* Purity/germination: 99/90 %

* Seeds number/gm: (15 - 20)

Watermelon Ghost F1.jpg

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