* Variety: Crmelo
* Scie. Name: Cucumis melo
* Location: Open Field خارجى
* Color: Yellow أصفر
* Weight: 3 - 3.5 kg
* Vigour: Vigorous نشيط
- Attractive yellow skin with tasty orange flesh.
- Hybrid main season Ananas variety with early maturity.
- Plant is vigorous giving adequate fruit cover during maturity.
- Small seed cavity resulting in more usable flesh.
* Variety: Lilian F1
* Scie. Name: Brassica oleracea
* Location: Open Field خارجى
* Color: Bright white head with good domy shape.
* Maturty: 75 - 85 day
- Medium early hybrid for spring and summer sowing.
- Suitable for fresh market and processing.
* Variety: Clemson Spinaless
* Scie. Name: Abelmoschus esculentus
* Location: Open Field خارجى
* Cycle: 50 - 60 days
* Color: Dark Green أخضر غامق
* Length: 3 inch
- High yields of spineless, tender ribbed pods with excellent flavor.
- Traditional favorite for soups and stews. Harvest pods when 3 inches long.
- Pods get much bigger, but small pods are more tender.
- Plants just keep growing until cool weather in the fall, so they will get 6 feet or taller in areas with a long, warm growing season.