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MgCaSwell + Amino Acid  كالسيوم + ماغنسيوم + أحماض امينية

MgCaSwell + Amino Acid كالسيوم + ماغنسيوم + أحماض امينية

  • It's double chelated liquid fertilizer, including sugar alcohol, amino acid, magnesium, calcium. Mg & Ca play very import role in the productive stage of all crops, but these 2 elements will be easily fixed during the absorption progress. Sugar alcohol is the only substance that carries magnesium and calcium in the phloem for rapid transportation. Amino acid makes the absorption more efficient, improve the fruit quality.

  • Complex sugar alcohols and amino acids can chelate nutrients with low activity in soil effectively, and improve soil nutrient and fertilizer utilization.


    * Composition:- Ca=15.4%, Mg= 3.01%, Br= 0.76%, Fe= 0.76%, Zn= 0.3%, Cu=0.061%, Mo= 0.0015%%, Amino acid= 2.53%, Sugar Alcohol= 20.4%.

    * Formulation:- Liquid Chemical Fertilizer.

    * Crops:- All plants.

    * Methods & Application rate:-

        1- Foliar spray Before flowering (1 L/ 1000 - 1500 liter water with 7 days intervals).

                                    After flowering (1 L/ 600 - 1000 liter water with 7 days intervals).

        2- Dripping Irrigation (15 - 22.5 L/ha, with 10 - 15 days intervals) or (1.5 - 2.25 ml/ m2).

        3- Flushing Irrigation (22 - 45 L/ha, with 10 - 15 days intervals) or (2.25 - 4.5 ml/ m2).

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