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Sangral Micro Fe EDDHA 3,2  (6%)  1kg

Sangral Micro Fe EDDHA 3,2 (6%) 1kg

MSDS               BROCHURE

  • Sangral Micro Fe EDDHA 3,2 is a microgranular iron chelated and is developed for the correction and preventation of iron deficiency in a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops, particulary in alkalin and calcareous soils. Sangral Micro Fe EDDHA 3,2 gives best effect when applied dissolved to the plants through the soil or rooting media..


    * Composition:- (Iron Chelated [O-O] EDDHA (Fe):  3.2% w/w), (Total Iron Fe:  5.77% w/w)

    * Formulation:- Water Soluble Granule Powder.

    * Crops:- All plants.

    * Methods & Application rate:- Drip or Spread

    - Soil application for arable crops: 0.5 – 1 gm/m2..

    - Soil application for horticultural crops: 0.25 – 0.5 gm/m2..

    - Citrus (lemon) avocado: 50 – 200 gm/tree.

    - Citrus (orange), peach: 50-100 gm/tree.

    - Apple, pear: 40 – 75 gm/tree.

    - Nurseries: 0.4 – 0.5 gm/m2.

    - Strawberries: 0.25 – 0.5 gm/m2.

    - Vegetables: 0.25 – 1 gm/m2.

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